Are You Serious?

Volume 2 / Issue 14

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

With the elections over and 2016 the next best chance to make another change, there’s no doubt a lot of union money was spent on the mid-terms. During the 2014 mid-term Election, SEIU contributed over $12 million dollars to get their candidates elected and propositions passed. Did the strategy work? Depends on who you ask.

In June of 2014, IE Regional Director Julie Butcher decided to call it quits. Once word of Julie’s pending retirement hit terminated Sheriff Department Dispatcher Wendy Thomas’s ears, she was probably on cloud nine…until she was handed yet another slap in the face by Bob Schoonover…lucky guy! Yes, Bob bypassed Wendy and gave the job to an individual who doesn’t carry as much baggage. As you can see from her 2010 bio, Esme Alamillo is not new to SEIU. She made a very comfortable $109k as a worksite organizer.

Esmeralda Alamillo (Grubbs) is the 3rd and latest appointment to the IE Directors seat in the past 2 years…and then there’s Wendy…doing what it is that Wendy does best…creating discontent between members and staff alike, so wanting to be important.

Several members of REAP continue to foster relationships with SEIU staff members in the Los Angeles office. From the information we’ve been able to obtain from our connections, Wendy & Esme are not the BFF’s they’d like you to think. It even sounds as though there may be some hostilities between the two…Careful Esme…Wendy is sure to have a bucket of dirt on Bob & Gilda so your tenure may be short lived…how else can a private citizen hold the office of Vice President? Please refer to the Local Bylaws, Article 4, Section B. Office Holders must be employed within a bargaining unit…Bob must have missed that one…

and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…

REAP has also learned from our L.A. sources that two work site organizers/representatives are having their local hotel bill paid for by SEIU. Why is this you ask? At one time SEIU was utilizing the services of retired LA County workers Rosie Martinez and Harold Sterker. Their job was to roam the halls of the Riverside County Regional Medical Center (RCRMC) and antagonize County employees. SEIU found they were in violation of labor laws so they fired Rosie and Harold (imagine that…following the rules) and opted for the two working the hospital now. Question? Why doesn’t SEIU hire enough staff necessary to represent ALL members of SEIU in Riverside County? Do you think their meals are paid as well?

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

Immigration has been a hot topic over the past 8 years. Regardless of your personal beliefs on immigration, there should be no question as to who is behind the push. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is very clear in the description and purpose. There are some that would like to mold this amendment to fit their personal needs. Simply put…with over 3.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States (by the way…they are not all from the south), let’s deal with the current situation. Secure the borders, for now, and re-evaluate our immigration protocols prior to 1965.

Finding information on SEIU’s corrupt practices is not hard to find. I’m including a few links within this blog so readers can determine for themselves if this is an organization they really want to be a part of. REMEMBER – SEIU WILL SPEND YOUR MONEY THE WAY THEY CHOOSE. Don’t be fooled into thinking they’re working for you, you actually work for them. They have their own agenda and it doesn’t include you!

If you are a dues paying supervisor within Riverside County, your MOU allows you to get out of SEIU in April of each year. That’s only four short months away…information will be posted soon on our site and we can help you get out. The best part…you still get to reap the benefits of their contract with the County. Contact REAP for more information.

Retired Public Employees Association – Your REAP Interim Board members have developed a relationship with RPEA – the Retired Public Employees Association of California. Whether you are retired or are currently employed by the County of Riverside, you are eligible to be a member of RPEA. For those of you who are currently working for a CalPERS employer, RPEA has one great offer for you that you can add to your list of things to be thankful for this year. RPEA is offering you a 50% discount off their annual membership fee, not just this year but for every year until you retire!

The discounted annual rate is just $27.00! What benefits are available to you as a RPEA member? You will be eligible for discounted rates on dental and vision plans, long term care/home health care insurance, Auto & Home Owner’s insurance, Cancer insurance, life insurance, identity theft solutions, legal Club of America, Veterinary Pet Insurance, Apple products, La Quinta Inn & Suites, 1-800-Flowers, Government Employee Travel Opportunities and much
more! To see a full list of benefits and to enroll as a member, go to their website:

We’d like to know what you think…

Until next time…

Looking towards the future

Posted in The Journey.

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