The Best is Yet to Come…

Volume 2 / Issue 2

The Best Is Yet To Come!

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Did you receive an email from SEIU with an invitation to enroll in a discount program offered by a 3rd party vendor? I always thought the primary function of any labor organization, REAP included, is to put the members FIRST by providing solid representation, hiring professional negotiators during contract negotiations and above all, showing members complete transparency throughout. Taking care of the business of the members should trump any discount service.

Because I wanted to know what SEIU is doing with my union dues, I decided to check it out. The representative I spoke with told me how they benefit almost every organization they’re associated with because they create value…at least this is how the sales pitch went. He also shared with me that the services offered could also aid in generating additional revenue for the organization… interesting. Based on that statement, I would suspect that an organization could artificially inflate pricing. Hmmm, does that sounds like something SEIU would do to their own members? Someone once said, past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Here is your answer… (click here).

So how much is this new benefit costing us, the members? According to the rep, prices vary. At the lowest price possible per member, we the members are paying $27,834.80 per month using 69,587 members (2012 LM-2 Report Schedule 13 – Membership Status) or an annual cost of $334,017.60. Try contacting SEIU for the exact cost. This is the type of ploy SEIU uses to divert the focus from what they aren’t doing for the members.


Did you know that between April 1st and April 30th, those in the Supervisory unit can opt out of SEIU? It’s true! SEIU is still obligated to represent you if you are involved in a disciplinary action – but why would you want that? REAP has established a relationship with City Employees Association. CEA is a Professional Labor Law firm dedicated to providing top-notch legal assistance for less than what you are currently paying SEIU!

To opt out of SEIU there are a few rules that MUST be followed. As outlined in Article 24 of our MOU, the letter must be hand delivered or sent via US Mail. No faxes or email notifications will be accepted. If US Mail is your preferred method, I highly recommend sending Certified/Registered mail with return receipt requested – you know why. Whether you live in the metropolitan Riverside area or the Desert region, there is a letter designed specifically for you.

REAP recognizes The Coachella Valley General Employees Association

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759

Email REAP

Remember the attempted dues increase on June 18th, 2013? This could be considered the beginning of REAP and “The Day the Music Died” for SEIU at the Coachella Valley Water District. In order to establish themselves as a recognized labor organization, they chose to decertify SEIU. On January 30, 2014, after many sleepless nights, constant meetings and organizing, the overwhelming barrage of out-of-state SEIU organizers, and dealing with the relentless home calls from the union and organizers, the men and women of the Coachella Valley Water District were SUCCESSFUL in decertifying SEIU. They are now in charge of their destiny and all the members of REAP wish them well.

Congratulations – Job well done!

In closing…remember – There’s a price tag on everything SEIU does. The discounts are a great novelty, and they may be beneficial if used. But used or not, they are going to cost you and that cost is going to come in the form of a dues increase…Be forewarned!

Remember, if Coachella Valley General Employees Association can gain their freedom from SEIU, so can we!

Looking towards the future…


Tired of Being Bullied? Tell SEIU You’ve Had Enough…

Volume 2 / Issue 1

Tired of being Bullied?

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Can you believe it?

We’ve just put another notch on the proverbial handle of our lives. With Christmas behind us and a new year beginning, there are so many things to think about. Deadlines to meet, household needs, KIDS -soccer, softball, baseball, track practice – all just around the corner. Heck, in 6 months we’ll be in vacation mode and before you know it, we’re standing in line for “Black Friday” again.

When I was younger, I always wanted to be “there”…At 16 I wanted to be 21. When I’m in Perris – I want to be in Paris. It seems there is always something just a bit better. Something that gives that feeling…You know the one I’m talking about…I’d rather try and fail, than not try at all. There has to be something better. I’m sure I’ve found it and I want to share it with all of you reading this…all 1100 of you!

In a few months, there is an opportunity for many of you to consider the fate of your current labor organization. Will you choose to stay with SEIU 721 because you feel the current management of SEIU is doing a good job for you? Before you answer, remind yourself of what has transpired in the past year:
1) SEIU 721 IE Chapter tried to impose a dues increase of 1.5% of your hourly rate. Over a 5 year time frame, most of us would have been hit with a 340% increase. From a flat rate of $288 per year to well over $1000.00 per year. Thanks to you and your fellow coworkers, this failed miserably…but had it passed, what would we have gotten for the increase?

2) Our current President, Bob Schoonover is a complete failure to the entire membership. He refuses to enforce the very Bylaws he has signed. Unfortunately, these Bylaws are not a living document and any changes must be approved by the membership. Wendy Thomas is a private citizen holding the office of Regional Vice President. She is not employed with the County of Riverside which is a violation of the SEIU local and International Bylaws. So why is this a problem? Because Wendy Thomas has been negotiating away our members’ pay!

3) Last year, a side letter between SEIU and County HR was signed by Wendy Thomas. In this side letter, she was successful in docking the Respiratory Care Practitioners at Riverside County Regional Medical Center, $2.00/hour. Ms. Thomas’ defense is that HR is interpreting the side letter incorrectly and she is working diligently to get the income returned to these folks…I wonder how she’s doing with that and will the pay be retroactive?

4) In another side letter authored by Ms. Thomas, she was instrumental in eliminating the shift differential for the 911 Dispatchers for the Sheriff’s Department. Wait a minute…Wasn’t Wendy a 911 Dispatch Supervisor…and didn’t she have some bad blood going on between her and her staff, and hersupervisor, and his supervisor which eventually turned into a federal lawsuit that got tossed because the judge, Federal Judge Virginia Phillips said Ms. Thomas’ complaints amounted to nothing more than petty work place gripes…and she and SEIU staff and the Executive Board think she is going to get her job back? Really?

5) Google SEIU and SEIU 721 – you will be amazed at the never-ending negative stories, complaints, legal action, questionable behavior and unethical related business dealings – some SEIU leaders have been found guilty of criminal activity! 52% of our dues money is sent directly to SEIU International – your money is being used and abused!

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

These are just some of the issues that come to me while writing…So what do you think? Is SEIU everything you need in your labor organization? Are you truly happy with what SEIU 721 has been able to accomplish? Most of us may see a meager wage increase in July of 2014 – remember, Ms. Thomas negotiated only a 5.5% increase over 5 years. I’m sure you have heard LIUNA members talk about the hefty increases they will receive this year. Why not us?

Have you thought about the untrained SEIU 721advocates, the people you will need to depend on in the event you are faced with disciplinary action? Are they experienced and knowledgeable about California Labor Laws? The truth is, SEIU International is only interested in you – the member – because of the monthly dues you provide every month. If this wasn’t true, you would see MANY more advocates in the IE to take care of YOUR needs.

On 1/11/14, REAP will be holding our monthly membership meeting. We try to provide free training to ALL REAP members at no cost. This training is beneficial to you on a professional, as well as personal level, and also your coworkers. Due to scheduling conflicts in January, we will not have a Home Call and Personal Safety training until February 14, 2014. We have attached fliers for the January General Membership meeting as well as the February Home Call and Personal Safety training. Please download the fliers and share them with your coworkers!

This year, make that personal resolution to yourself, your family, and your future. Come out and see what REAP has to offer.

I think John F. Kennedy said it best,

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss
the future.



Oh….The Holidays!

Volume 1 / Issue 2

Happy Holiday’s

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

During this time of year, we prepare ourselves for that constant surge of discount coupons in our mailbox. They’re coming more frequently and the expiration dates are lasting right up to the last minute. It’s like they are talking to me…”Hey, It’s us. The retailers! We want you to come into our store. You will buy our stuff. You will increase our profits. You will put us in the black.” And before you know it, I’m in the red. My budget is shot and I have no recourse. Call me crazy, but it almost makes me feel like I did when I found out SEIU was trying to increase our dues.

Oh, the holidays!! 20% off here, 15% there…Wouldn’t it be great if SEIU was giving discounts. Wouldn’t it be nice to see them approach the members with actual concern, rather than apathy? I’ve noticed when I talk to anyone associated with SEIU, they talk at that same monotone level they all seem to speak at. There is no emotion. No personal conviction. What they do possess however, is the ability to be extremely conniving. I can’t figure out what it is that commands their devotion. Are they getting kickbacks? Do they really believe they’re doing the work of the members? I’d like to be a fly on the wall when they realize they’ve been duped…when they find out they were just pawns for SEIU. Make no mistake…SEIU is in this for SEIU!!

So what differentiates REAP from SEIU?

SEIU does not have the members interest at heart. REAP is all about the members. It’s in our best interest, and that of our members, to be transparent. All decisions are with the knowledge and approval of the members.

SEIU is extremely weak when it comes to advocacy. Once REAP is recognized as the exclusive bargaining unit, we will have a staff of professionals whose sole purpose is to advocate on behalf of the members. We won’t rely on the skills of your co-worker to assist you during an investigation that could potentially cost you your job.

SEIU is more concerned with expanding their grip outside of our local than they are with improving the conditions of the members within our local. Case in point – Compaction issues with the Accounting Technicians. This has been a 5 year fight with SEIU to do the right thing for these members…and still they continue to drag their feet. Soon, 6 years will have come and gone…REAP’s main focus is with the members. We utilize professional negotiators. REAP has no aspirations to expand any further than the employees of Riverside County…Period!

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

On our site, there is a link to Sternberger with Fries. If you ever wanted to find out how corrupt and polluted this organization really is, just take a few minutes to read what is going on with hospitals in California and Oregon. If this is what SEIU is all about, I have no desire to be any part of it. They talk about boilerplate contracts they will force on the members, while at the same time talk about how the CEO’s will be well rewarded…amazing!! You’ve got to read it

At this time of year we all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and it’s very easy to look no further than our own immediate needs. So as we celebrate the holidays and wind up 2013, I’d like to ask all of you reading this to take a few minutes out of your day to think about, and thank our military personnel, who will not be home for the holidays, and say a prayer for those who have paid the ultimate price. God bless all of you, at home and abroad, who continue to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller


Our Commitment

Volume 1 / Issue 1

Our Commitment

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Whether you’re starting a new chapter in your career, buying a new home, or starting a
new family, “starting” is never easy, but it’s a journey. When the founding members of REAP embarked on this journey, we did so with the understanding that it wouldn’t be easy, the process wouldn’t be quick, and it would cost us more than just money, it would
require our full commitment. All of us have been there…this journey however, started out of a need to serve Riverside County employees in the areas of representation, contract
negotiations and workforce education and development. The unfortunate truth is,our current labor union has been inattentive and therefore incapable of meeting the members’ needs.

Many of you reading this have probably had the chance to visit, taken the time to register, or have at least heard of our sister site, We have recently launched, your new website, and we’re excited that you
have taken the time to visit., we will be providing information that is relevant, informative,thought provoking, and sometimes just plain fun to read.We’d like to encourage each of you to become an interactive member to this site and contribute to the momentum of REAP.At SCRU721, we did a lot of bashing. Bashing of the folks making the decisions,bashing of the operation, and a whole lot of bashing the organization…what’s sad is it’s the truth. Members have been forced to place their trust, and money, in an organization that has, and will continue to be, about the organization. As long as SEIU continues to be the “exclusive labor organization” in Riverside County,the members will continue to receive the same weak, pathetic representation they have learned to despise.

We’d like to steer the REAP ship in a positive direction. One that will take the members not only where we want to be, but where we need to be – an organization of members who have a vested interest in the very Association they support. An Association where members are treated with dignity and shown respect, and the needs of the Association should never rise above the needs of the members. REAP aspires to be an Association that benefits from a mutual respect with our employer and the communities that have placed their trust in us.

Contact Us REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058/951-858-6759 [email protected]

If you have an article you’d like to post or an idea for the site, we look forward to hearing from you. Remember this is about us, the members, your peers and coworkers, not a political action committee where the main focus is who SEIU can get into office. At the end of the day, it’s all about doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason. We hope you will see the purpose and the need for REAP and find value in what REAP has to offer.

“The future depends on what we do in the present.” -Mahatma Gandhi