The World We Live In…

Volume 3 / Issue 12

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Reflecting on the events earlier this past week, it’s hard to understand exactly what happened or why it happened. As public employees, it becomes so very easy to adopt a complacent mindset in our day to day activities.

The tragedy in San Bernardino could happen anywhere at anytime…and unfortunately, it does, on a daily basis. Visualize living in any war torn country across the globe…Could you imagine waking up every day wondering if today is the day? Many experts have shared their knowledge of how we should react in the event of an active shooter situation. A video created by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department may save your life and shows what steps should be taken in the event you find yourself in an active shooter situation. Although this video contains graphic content, EVERYONE should watch this video! Our world is changing and your ability to survive a similar situation will rely on your ability to change with it!

Most who were, or are, members of our military, have learned how to adapt to rapidly changing conditions that may have a profound effect on their life. Be prepared. Get the necessary training to protect your family, your coworkers and yourself! Have a plan and know what to do in the event of an emergency. It’s disturbing to think that these types of attacks may become the new normal.

As difficult as it will be to go on…we must. Our thoughts and prayers go to the families who lost a loved one, to those who were injured, and to our brothers and sisters working in San Bernardino County who will continue on…

In solidarity…








Who Works for Who?

Volume 3 / Issue 11

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

One year and counting!

That’s right! On November 30, 2016, the current MOU between the County and SEIU will expire. The big question…will the County be negotiating with a new labor organization, or will SEIU continue to have their stranglehold on the county, but more importantly, will they keep their grip on you? In California, SEIU can have you terminated from your job if you refuse to pay union dues! Who works for who?

Within the coming year, every employee represented by SEIU, in Riverside County, will have the opportunity to alter the course of their future. Check out the REAP Facebook. Representation is not the SEIU forte’, but it is one of REAP’s best assets! It’s just easier for SEIU to throw money, your money, at their problems! SEIU is involved in so many different campaigns, it’s hard to figure out who they really work for!

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

I recently read an article where the President of SEIU Local 1000 felt she was deserving of a $100,000.00 stipend, along with her vice presidents, from the union because of the number of members she spoke for. Had the board approved the plan, annual stipends for the four officers would have totaled $345,866 in the first year, according to the local’s estimates. Walker, for example, stood to receive $102,785, according to an email sent to members, in addition to her $51,000 in state pay that Local 1000 already covers. The plan reminded some critics in the union of a controversial 2011 plan that would have brought total compensation for the president to $150,000 per year and $125,000 per year for the vice presidents. Walker, who distanced herself from that proposal, took it off the agenda after news reports riled up the rank and file. Walker backed the latest proposal, arguing that the stipend was appropriate to the demands of leadership, the complexity of the work and the size of Local 1000. The union represents 95,000 state employees and operates on an annual budget of $60 million per year. That money has to come from somewhere…How does increasing Ms. Walkers annual income benefit the members she chose to represent?

This is just one example, but at some point, even the most devote SEIU loyalist needs to question the ethics and morality of the entire organization they have entrusted their future to.

REAP is an employee driven organization comprised of members from most bargaining units. There is an alternative to SEIU. Take the time…ask the questions – get the answers. Join us! There is no commitment…You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

The REAP Interim Executive Board

Looking Towards the Future

Are You Serious?

Volume 2 / Issue 14

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

With the elections over and 2016 the next best chance to make another change, there’s no doubt a lot of union money was spent on the mid-terms. During the 2014 mid-term Election, SEIU contributed over $12 million dollars to get their candidates elected and propositions passed. Did the strategy work? Depends on who you ask.

In June of 2014, IE Regional Director Julie Butcher decided to call it quits. Once word of Julie’s pending retirement hit terminated Sheriff Department Dispatcher Wendy Thomas’s ears, she was probably on cloud nine…until she was handed yet another slap in the face by Bob Schoonover…lucky guy! Yes, Bob bypassed Wendy and gave the job to an individual who doesn’t carry as much baggage. As you can see from her 2010 bio, Esme Alamillo is not new to SEIU. She made a very comfortable $109k as a worksite organizer.

Esmeralda Alamillo (Grubbs) is the 3rd and latest appointment to the IE Directors seat in the past 2 years…and then there’s Wendy…doing what it is that Wendy does best…creating discontent between members and staff alike, so wanting to be important.

Several members of REAP continue to foster relationships with SEIU staff members in the Los Angeles office. From the information we’ve been able to obtain from our connections, Wendy & Esme are not the BFF’s they’d like you to think. It even sounds as though there may be some hostilities between the two…Careful Esme…Wendy is sure to have a bucket of dirt on Bob & Gilda so your tenure may be short lived…how else can a private citizen hold the office of Vice President? Please refer to the Local Bylaws, Article 4, Section B. Office Holders must be employed within a bargaining unit…Bob must have missed that one…

and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…

REAP has also learned from our L.A. sources that two work site organizers/representatives are having their local hotel bill paid for by SEIU. Why is this you ask? At one time SEIU was utilizing the services of retired LA County workers Rosie Martinez and Harold Sterker. Their job was to roam the halls of the Riverside County Regional Medical Center (RCRMC) and antagonize County employees. SEIU found they were in violation of labor laws so they fired Rosie and Harold (imagine that…following the rules) and opted for the two working the hospital now. Question? Why doesn’t SEIU hire enough staff necessary to represent ALL members of SEIU in Riverside County? Do you think their meals are paid as well?

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

Immigration has been a hot topic over the past 8 years. Regardless of your personal beliefs on immigration, there should be no question as to who is behind the push. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is very clear in the description and purpose. There are some that would like to mold this amendment to fit their personal needs. Simply put…with over 3.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States (by the way…they are not all from the south), let’s deal with the current situation. Secure the borders, for now, and re-evaluate our immigration protocols prior to 1965.

Finding information on SEIU’s corrupt practices is not hard to find. I’m including a few links within this blog so readers can determine for themselves if this is an organization they really want to be a part of. REMEMBER – SEIU WILL SPEND YOUR MONEY THE WAY THEY CHOOSE. Don’t be fooled into thinking they’re working for you, you actually work for them. They have their own agenda and it doesn’t include you!

If you are a dues paying supervisor within Riverside County, your MOU allows you to get out of SEIU in April of each year. That’s only four short months away…information will be posted soon on our site and we can help you get out. The best part…you still get to reap the benefits of their contract with the County. Contact REAP for more information.

Retired Public Employees Association – Your REAP Interim Board members have developed a relationship with RPEA – the Retired Public Employees Association of California. Whether you are retired or are currently employed by the County of Riverside, you are eligible to be a member of RPEA. For those of you who are currently working for a CalPERS employer, RPEA has one great offer for you that you can add to your list of things to be thankful for this year. RPEA is offering you a 50% discount off their annual membership fee, not just this year but for every year until you retire!

The discounted annual rate is just $27.00! What benefits are available to you as a RPEA member? You will be eligible for discounted rates on dental and vision plans, long term care/home health care insurance, Auto & Home Owner’s insurance, Cancer insurance, life insurance, identity theft solutions, legal Club of America, Veterinary Pet Insurance, Apple products, La Quinta Inn & Suites, 1-800-Flowers, Government Employee Travel Opportunities and much
more! To see a full list of benefits and to enroll as a member, go to their website:

We’d like to know what you think…

Until next time…

Looking towards the future

Don’t Be on the “B” Team…

Volume 2 / Issue 12

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

In college, most of us dreaded the mid terms. It gave us, and our professors, a gauge on where we were and where we needed to be. It was an opportunity to make the necessary adjustments to get us back on course. On November 4th, 2014, you have the opportunity to make a change and get your government, local, state and national, back on course.

Why vote? Some of us who go to the polls do so because it’s our patriotic duty. Some feel obligated. Others go because they want to see a change in direction, this time. Then there is that select group, the “B” team, who didn’t even know there was an election. This is the group we need to reach out to.

Is not showing up at the polls a conscience choice that’s made by the “B” team because they get into the mindset that “nothing will change”? ”Politicians will do what is in their best interest, line their own pockets, and continue with the standard double talk we’ve all grown accustomed to hearing from our elected officials”! Or is what we hear from this group the typical, “I didn’t vote for him/her”, or “Why did my taxes go up?”, or how about the age old classic, “See what a mess YOUR guy made!” The truth is, this is the mess the “B” team created. They had the opportunity to make the change during the mid terms…just like in college. It is the responsibility of each of us to decide, FOR OURSELVES, how we want to cast our vote. Believe it or not, your vote DOES count!

Every election cycle, SEIU will fill your mailbox, and call at the most inconvenient time, to ask for your support for their guy or gal. Since I opted out of SEIU almost a year ago, I thought I was free from the flyers and phone calls from these yahoo’s. No such luck! I have received flyers and phone calls from the SEIU phone banks asking me to support Tom Torlakson and Betty Yee, not my cup o’ tea, but I just couldn’t resist messing around a bit…A healthy laugh is good for the heart!

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

For those who are still with SEIU and are not familiar with the candidate selection process, it’s really something you need to experience first hand. During most local election’s, SEIU may, or may not, hold a town-hall meeting giving members an opportunity to hear the candidates, listen to their points of views, accomplishments, and how they would make a change if elected. At the end of the presentation, each SEIU member in attendance votes on who they feel should be supported, financially or with boots on the ground, by SEIU…oh, and one more thing, the votes of those members are only recommendations to the SEIU Executive Board (including those E-Board members in LA and Ventura). The SEIU Executive Board will always have the final say in who they back, not the members. So really…how is this part of the democratic process? Apparently SEIU doesn’t think their members can make informed, educated decisions. ELECTING THEIR CANDIDATE IS SEIU’S MAIN PURPOSE. YOUR DUES DOLLARS IS GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!

The mid terms are a turning point. There are some who believe the mid terms are as important, if not more so, than the General Election. The mid terms are a chance to see a swing in the senate on both a statewide and national level, is a new governor on the horizon, will we be voting yes on a bond measure that will raise your taxes, but do so because it’s for the good of the group, how about your local city council person? The bottom line…it’s up to all of us to take an active role. If you think you may be part of the “B” team, get involved. Don’t sit on the sidelines watching the game…get in there and do your part!

For your convenience here is a breakdown of the state wide candidates and propositions.

Looking Towards the Future

In Case You May Have Forgotten…

Volume 2 / Issue 13

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Remember when SEIU posted this on their web site?

Riverside County Bargaining Update: Settlement
Agreement Reached!

5:58 PM – February 9,
2012 | 121 Comments

Ballots have reached member’s homes this week. Please follow the instructions included to ensure your ballot is valid. Ballots must be received at the Riverside SEIU 721 office by Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012. Counting will take place on March 1.

How about this one from the Press Enterprise?

Were you one of the few who agreed with it or one of the many who opposed? Were you one of SEIU’s supporters? I was…and so were most of REAP’s Executive Board. I, along with 2000 of my fellow county employees, walked around the County Administrative Center in support of SEIU for a better contract. So why the 180⁰turn?

In the months to follow,we had the opportunity to dissect what this contract actually meant. For those employees who were at the highest step, a $2000.00 bonus was the answer to step and wage increases. For those not topped out, it was a mixed bag of incentives including some COLA’s and single step increases. I think Martin Baxter summed it up pretty well when he offered this response on the SEIU website:

“Martin Baxter | February
21, 2012 5:48 PM

| Reply

SEIU deal means no GROSS pay increase for anyone until July 2014 and some 2016.

I don’t like the SEIU deal. Its not an increase to our NET pay. I can put it into excel to show you if you want. My rough calculations show it will take until July 2014 to make more than before the 3% taken for retirement last month. Factor in that we’ve had no COLA or step increase since2008 and that makes 6 Years WITH NO INCREASE? Come on!

2012-2016 over the 5 years of the deal I will only earn $6000 more than if pay stayed the same as 2011. That’s only average$1200 a year. That’s 1.87% total increase in 5 years OR 0.37% A YEAR…BASICALLY 0 . Factoring in that our pay also includes $7000 for flex and increase is even lower. Subtract out my furlough $ from 2009 and it is nearly
exactly equal. Im sure the county knows that it is all equal! So basically no pay raise from 2008 to 2016. So I will be even money in 2016as if my 2008 wages had not changed in 8 years because we absorb the retirementcontribution. Factor in INFLATION and we are -16% in purchasing power of our pay if there was 2% inflation each year (14.4% increase for 6 years 2006-2011). Plus take out higher insurance premiums from 2008-2011. It may literally be 10
years, 2018 until net take home pay is the same.

I’m at the top step so I’m only getting 2 steps in my calculations. If you aren’t at the top you are allowed 2 step
increases in July 2014 until December 2016 which means you would add 4 steps if you annual anniversary was before July and 6 steps if after July. So 6steps max is 16.5% more that I am not calculating. That basically is
cancelled out by the inflation estimate of 16% noted above. You are making even money from 2008-2016 and going backwards if you factor in medical insurance increases from 2008-2011.”

Readall the comments from members and responses from SEIU here. Read the post after Martin’s also. Why does
SEIU sensor your comments?

Inthe last contract negotiations, LIUNA faired far better than SEIU. A whopping 27% increase to our 5%. What did LIUNA do to get such a sweetheart ofa deal? Simply put – they didn’t use an arrogant, egotistical negotiator. At the very moment SEIU was on strike, LIUNA was signing the exact deal SEIU could’ve had. In fact, LIUNA’s deal was what SEIU had negotiated. Lack of experience, inflated self-worth, and a “damn the torpedo’s” attitude is what sunk our chances. Our opportunity to recover from this trifecta- furloughs, paying into our retirements, and now this contract, would surely doom us…or so it seemed, until employees represented by SEIU received the news that the raises we were sure we had lost until after 2016, would soon go into effect.

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

John Benoit was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown after the passing of Supervisor Roy Wilson. In an article written on May 21, 2014, V. Manuel Perez was taking aim at a campaign to unseat Riverside County Supervisor John Benoit. However, in April of 2014, SEIU members received increases of 8.13% over the next two years. Coincidence? Why wouldn’t SEIU support the Democratic challenger? Did SEIU support John Benoit by not supporting V. Manuel Perez? This is strictly speculation, but merits some thought…

County employees are often viewed by the public as greedy, overpaid, lazy do nothings and it’s this type of political gamesmanship that really bring it to the forefront. REAP wants to change this persona, but first we must make the necessary changes. REAP will begin the decertification process on June 4th, 2016 by collecting signatures to force an election ofwho should be our exclusive labor organization.

Recently, SEIU has sent out applications for membership in the mail. How much do you think this cost the members? I further authorize SEIU Local 721 to instruct my employer to deduct and remit to the Union, any dues, fees and general assessments from my paycheck and to adjust the amount of this deduction as maybe required to comply with changes in premiums under existing agreements with insurance plans, or to comply with dues schedules and general assessments determined by the Union.” In June of 2013,the membership handed SEIU a resounding NO vote to a dues increase of1.5%. Use this calculator All SEIUrepresented employees in Riverside County pay a flat rate of $12.00 per payperiod. Not all members of SEIU 721,however share in that luxury, some pay a percentage rate of up to 1.5% of theirhourly rate. It will require a vote ofthe members in the Inland Empire to raise your dues rate because the IE is whatis known as a legacy localOverthe past 8 years, working for Riverside County is not what it used to be. The morale is low and the turnover rate is high. This phenomenon is not only happening in Riverside County, but in almost every major city and state across America. In almost every major cityacross America, SEIU can be found pushing some political agenda, and in somecases, the SEIU affiliates. Is there a connection? If SEIU was truly about the members, why so many decertification’s? Let’s bring that excitement back and make a move in a positive direction. It’s up to all of us to do our part to make working for Riverside County great once again and REAP is the logical choice! We contract with a professional firm that has decertified SEIU over 27 times. The Coachella Valley Water District is the latest to decertify and become an association that is member driven and we can do the same!

We are asking for your help. Please go to our web site and register at You can also checkout what others are saying, and doing, to remove SEIU as their labor organization on our Facebook page…and while you’re there, “Like” our page. Get involved and become part of the solution!

Follow REAP on Face Book – Regional Employees Association of Professionals.

Looking Towards the Future

The Road We All Travel

Volume 2 / Issue 11

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

I landed my first job when I was thirteen years old, pumping gas at the Union 76 on the corner of Santa Gertrudes and La Mirada Blvd. I made $2.50 an hour. It wasn’t much of a job, but I earned a few bucks to get the things I wanted. Did I plan on making it a career? Hardly!

In 1973, I found myself heading east…Far East. After my tour of duty and discharged from the Marine Corps, I began the transition into the “real” world. Since the demand for an aircraft communications technician didn’t exist, I knew I had to come up with a plan…and quick. Taking advantage of the GI Bill, I attended a trade school…This was the beginning of my new life. It was 1977.

Since receiving that education, I’ve been an air conditioning installer and service technician, industrial laundry mechanic, a parts manager, a service manager, and finally an operations manager for a nationwide company with an office in Anaheim, serving Southern California from Atascadero to San Ysidro. Today, I find myself as a 16 year veteran and Supervisor with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. Talk about the long and winding road…

The point of my story is to illustrate how the job process is theoretically designed to work. We start off slow and over time, our momentum propels us towards that crescendo in life we only dreamed about when we were teenagers. Did people help me along the way? Absolutely! Did I face challenges and uncertainty? Without a doubt! It was hard…There is no denying, life is hard. There is no magic bullet!

Recently, Seattle, Washington became the first city in the United States to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. The first wave of these new wage increases is slated to begin in April of 2015. By 2021, all businesses within the city will be required to pay the minimum wage. So how will this affect the residents of Seattle and surrounding areas? Who will benefit most? What affect will this have on the tourism, manufacturing, and technological industries in and around Seattle? If I own a business, common sense tells me I will need to develop a mechanism to offset these costs. There’s only a few ways to do this. 1) Increase the cost of my goods or 2) reduce my work force. Neither are appealing options for obvious reasons.

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

SEIU is spearheading the most recent drive for a $15.00 per hour minimum wage across the country. The membership numbers for SEIU are dwindling and organizing efforts are in their forefront. The fast food industry is fertile ground and just ripe for the SEIU picking.

As I watched many of the protesters being arrested on Thursday’s nationwide demonstrations, I couldn’t help but wonder how many of those demonstrators are actually affiliated with SEIU or any of the pseudonym’s they are using. According to some of the press releases I’ve read, SEIU has enlisted the help of Home Health Care workers this time around to make it appear as though they are working on a united front.

Earning a decent living is not a right. It is something that needs to be earned. Fast Food workers used to be kids in high school and college, earning just enough to help sustain them between the allowances Mom & Dad gave or the stay at home Mom or Dad that wanted to feel a sense of pride and dignity by being a contributor to the household.

The fast food industry has been embedded with a class of workers who have fallen short of their own expectations. What was once seen as a temporary stopping point in one’s working life, has become a permanent haven for many. These low paying, unskilled jobs are where we learned to be responsible to ourselves and our employer. It’s the place where we learned about self-worth and we could validate ourselves as a productive member of society. According to some reports, SEIU has spent millions of dues payer dollars to get the $15.00 per hour minimum wage…but where does it stop.

Many positions in Riverside County require a degree. For the next 10-15 years, many of your coworkers will be paying off their student loans. There are several positions in Riverside County requiring a degree paying less than $15.00 per hour.

So what do you think…Read this article by Eric Boehm and the trailing comments…Should fast food chains require their new $15.00 per hour employees to have a college degree…just asking? Let me know what you think…

Looking Towards the Future…



I See Their True Color’s, Do You?

Volume 2 / Issue 10

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

For those employees belonging to the Supervisory Bargaining Unit represented by SEIU, between April 1 and the last working day in April of each year, you have the opportunity to “Opt-out” of the union. This means you are NOT required to pay any Agency Fees or Maintenance of Membership fees regardless of what SEIU staff may tell you.

Article 24 of your current MOU outlines the procedure required by SEIU. It states: “Any employee desiring to revoke their authorization for dues shall forward a letter by United States Mail or in person to SEIU; setting forth his/her desire to remove said authorization and may include reasons thereof. To be considered, a letter shall be received by SEIU on or after April 1st, but no later than the last working day of April. SEIU shall promptly forward a stop deduction to County payroll in the manner provided by the County.”

In April of 2014, several employees took advantage of this provision and chose to exercise their right to opt-out of SEIU. However, as was expected, SEIU changed the rules to the game. I say “game” because this is exactly what this has become! Here’s what SEIU did:

IN PERSON OPT OUT – Along with your opt out letter, SEIU required that employees fill out and submit a “Supervisory Opt-Out Designation” form.

OPT-OUT by MAIL – During the opt-out period, REAP advised employees choosing to take advantage of Article 24, to send their opt-out letter in to SEIU via certified mail through the United States Postal Service(USPS). Once SEIU received the opt-out letter, SEIU sent employees a letter indicating they had received their opt-out letter letter and then proceeded to send the employees a “Supervisory Opt-Out Designation” form. SEIU then went on to inform employees when they could expect to see their dues deductions stop based on when the employees’ initial letter was received. For many employees, this meant they incurred the expense of sending the requested information back to SEIU, via USPS certified mail a second time. To most it was worth the expense.

For a small group of supervisors however, this process failed them, through no fault of their own. To prevent each member from absorbing the cost of sending their letter via certified mail, all letters were collected, placed in one envelope and sent to SEIU via certified mail, well before the April 30 deadline. Unfortunately, the USPS redirected this envelope to Fresno by mistake. This very important letter eventually made its way to SEIU, but not until after the April 30 deadline. SEIU claims that even though the envelope was postmarked before April 30, it was not received until after April 30 and therefore did not adhere to the requirements of Article 24. Seriously? SEIU has changed the rules through this entire process! As one REAP Board member put it, “Calvinball Rules.”

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

The “Fresno 7” employees, as they have become known, contacted SEIU 721 and spoke with Wendy Thomas about the issue. The employees explained the situation and asked Wendy Thomas to accept the letters, as the letters were post-marked timely and the employees had no control over the USPS and their unfortunate mistake. Basically, Wendy Thomas’ response was, “Too bad”! Riverside County Human Resources, in an effort to find a solution, contacted SEIU 721. SEIU has been, and continues to be, defiant of the County. It appears SEIU is under the impression the County works for them. At what point does SEIU forget the current MOU is a binding contract between the County and SEIU, not SEIU and the employee?

County HR made notification to SEIU 721 informing them that County HR received complaints from employees stating SEIU failed to accept their opt-out letters and SEIU added steps to the Opt-Out process outlined in Article 24 of the MOU. SEIU 721 Counsel Rebecca Yee, responded to County HR via email stating SEIU’s position with regard to the lost envelope of the “Fresno 7.” Ms. Yee is very clear in her arrogance; a sediment probably shared by several in SEIU circles. Ms. Yee clearly articulates not only her arrogance, but also her unprofessionalism. Ms. Yee’s correspondence demonstrated the “strong-arm tactics” often used by SEIU 721. SEIU 721 used strong-arm tactics when negotiating our last contract and we all know how that turned out. We not only lost wages during the 1-day strike but we lost two years of pay increases that our co-workers in LIUNA received. SEIU 721 does not understand that being the big bully on the playground does not result in better pay and benefits. In fact as we have experienced, it results in the exact opposite.

With the permission of one of those employees, I have attached Ms. Yee’s letter. After you read it, ask yourself, is this the behavior I want to see from my union?

Looking towards the future…

The Truth Be Told…

Volume 2 / Issue 8

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Over the past few weeks, and even months, several calls, emails and even handwritten letters from county employees have been received expressing their thoughts, opinions and words of wisdom with regard to relieving SEIU 721 of their duties here in the County of Riverside. There have also been comments about the latest rumors circulating across the county. While a majority of the communication has been positive, the rumors consist of nothing more than lies and the time has come to set the record straight.

The current SEIU 721 Executive Board members have been telling people that REAP was started by a group of disgruntled SEIU 721 members who lost the Executive Board elections in April of 2013. This could not be further from the truth. While the integrity of the process and procedures of the Executive Board election was (and still is) certainly in question, those who ran on a slate against the current board did not stop participating in SEIU 721 committees and other activities after the election. In fact, these individuals were quite active. So, if you hear that particular rumor in the future, please feel free to set the record straight yourself.

REAP was started because SEIU 721 Executive Board members did not listen to the members and SEIU 721 staff was afraid to stand up to the Executive Board members because they feared they would be fired. This resulted in very few people making ALL the decisions…SEIU 721 a “democratically run union?” I think NOT.

  • The “Strong Future” committee scheduled a general membership meeting for May 23, 2013 and invited members to come and vote on issues that would strengthen their future. This meeting was not advertised to all members; but was heavily advertised to those members making $15.00 an hour and less.
  • When active members caught on to the fact SEIU leaders planned to hold a dues increase vote, disguised as a “vote for a strong future,” questions were asked and answers demanded. Answers were not forthcoming but the May general membership meeting turned in to a “Strong Future” Power Point presentation full of reasons why SEIU 721 NEEDED MORE OF YOUR MONEY! Many members in attendance began spreading the word to their coworkers that a dues increase was imminent if they did not participate in the voting process.
  • June 18, 2013 – SEIU 721 and the Strong Future committee created a series of obstacles making it almost impossible for members to vote on whether they felt a dues increase was warranted. First, members were given two hours to vote – between 6 pm and 8 pm on only ONE DAY! Members across the county began calling and demanding more time to vote. Feeling the pressure, SEIU 721 granted two additional hours, allowing members to vote between the hours of 5 pm and 9 pm – but still only one day and ALL MEMBERS were required to vote at the Riverside location – IN PERSON. Our Desert co-workers were forced to drive 2 or more hours in order for their voice to be heard. SEIU 721 made it clear they did NOT WANT to hear the voice of their members! But our Desert co-workers as well as our co-workers across the county showed up in record numbers, which resulted in not only a “NO” vote but a “HELL NO” vote! Members did not believe SEIU 721 deserved a raise because SEIU 721 was completely ineffective as our union. Additionally, once people learned about the under-handed way SEIU 721 tried to slip by a dues increase without the members’ knowledge, they showed SEIU 721 who was REALLY in charge!

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

June 18,2013 is the day REAP was born and is the real reason County employees created REAP. The lack of representation, ineffective communication, consistent incompetence and authoritative and exclusive leadership just added to the justification and the need to create our own organization. Everything mentioned above happened in a short 4-5 week period – it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. And for SEIU 721, it was a hard lesson to learn. But what really changed after that? Not much until REAP went live. All of a sudden, SEIU 721 staff has changed – there are new staffers making their way around the county to many of our workplaces. They talk the language of “inclusiveness” to lure you close and peak your interest. They are handing out “life insurance” applications, collecting your name, address, date of birth, social security number and your beneficiaries’ names. They are using these forms to recruit new members as well as new Stewards. What a wonderful show of inclusiveness. Could this be too good to be true? You bet it is! Take a close look at that life insurance application. Hidden in the fine print is the applicant’s permission to increase the member’s monthly dues! What? Can this really be?

Shortly after the failed dues increase, SEIU 721 President Bob Schoonover, admitted they did not handle the matter correctly. I guess he determined the correct way is to hide the approval for a dues increase in the middle of an application for SEIU Membership Application oops, Life Insurance. Here’s Bob’s letter…

Here is the life insurance enrollment form your union is circulating…it’s the part near the bottom – read it and REAP!

Stay Focused and continue to Look Towards the Future!!

Together, WE Can Make This Happen!

Volume 2 / Issue 7

Rescission of Agency Shop

Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Have you ever wondered why you’re required to belong to a union? Most of us understand the concept that big unions will always be backing politicians, who in turn are obligated to the demands of the big union, if they want to be re-elected…a vicious circle, but why are we required to belong to, or join, a union?

There are 24 states that are considered “Right to Work States”. What this means is, if you live in one of these states, you are not required to join the union as a condition of employment. If you choose to resign from union membership, you are still fully covered by the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated between your employer and the union, and the union remains obligated to represent you. Any benefits that are provided to you by your employer pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement (e.g., wages, seniority, vacations, pension, health insurance) will not be affected by your resignation. (If the union offers some “members-only” benefits, you might be excluded from receiving those.)

California is NOT a Right To Work State.

Therefore, in California, if an employer is unionized, as a condition of employment, employees must join the union or become a “fee” payer. Those recognized as fee payers are only obligated to pay for representation and contract negotiation. The next question you may ask is, “What if I’m unhappy with the representation SEIU gives me? Can I get out?” The answer is yes…SEIU can be fired!

So how exactly is a union fired?

Firing a union is not easy. The process is known as Rescission of Agency Shop. The County Employee Relations Resolution (ERR) has a section that covers the process, as does the California Government Code, Section 3500, known as the Meyers-Milias Brown Act. The MMBA section 3502.5 (d) outlines the requirements for rescinding the Agency Shop agreement between the union and the employees of the bargaining units. Satisfying the requirements of both the MMBA and the ERR will be required. The County ERR is a bit more stringent. Here are the requirements:

1) In order to begin the rescission process, a petition must be signed that garners 30% support of the affected bargaining unit. All signatures must be gathered within a 30 day period prior to filing the rescission petition with the Human Resources Director.

2) After all signatures have been validated, within 60 days, a secret ballot vote is held. This vote is conducted by a State mediator, not SEIU or Human Resources. The State mediator will establish all rules and procedures for the vote. A successful vote will be a majority, 50% + 1 to rescind Agency Shop.

3) This vote can only be taken ONE time during the course of the current MOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL MORE THAN ONE VOTE BE TAKEN.

Is the existing contract still valid?

Yes. As an example, several employees in the Supervisory bargaining unit who have taken advantage of the April “opt out” opportunity in our MOU, will not lose any of the negotiated benefits of the contract. They will receive the newly negotiated step increases and flex benefit increases. Eligible employees whose step increase date was 7/30/2009, and did not get a step increase (PERB complaint), will receive retroactive back pay. SEIU, as the exclusive employee organization, must STILL represent these employees if needed. Many, however, have chosen to be represented by REAP for any disciplinary actions against them.

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

Section 3506 of the MMBA is very specific: “Public agencies and employee organizations shall not interfere with, intimidate, restrain, coerce or discriminate against

public employees because of their exercise of their rights under Section 3502.” Don’t expect SEIU to adhere to this section.

As word spreads throughout Riverside County and momentum of Rescission of Agency Shop begins, SEIU will be very visible. They will not go down without a fight. One thing is certain, SEIU is going to use our dues dollars to fight against the employees to prevent us from exercising our rights.

If the thought of using our dues dollars to pay someone $80,000.00 per year who is not employed by Riverside County OR SEIU is not your idea of good use of our dues dollars, you may have a vested interest in Agency Shop.

If paying the Inland Regional Director over $180,000.00 per year is not your idea of appropriate, responsible use of our dues dollars, you may have a vested interest in Agency Shop.

If you believe that sending in excess of $800,000.00 per year to the SEIU International in Washington, DC is not in the best interest of our local economy, you may have a vested interest in Agency Shop.

Fighting an organization like SEIU is not easy and it won’t come without some work from all of us. The best way to get involved in the fight is to register at our website, Let us know who you are and what bargaining unit you belong to; Professionals, Para-Professionals, Supervisory, RN’s, Parks and Open Space, or Waste Management. This information allows us to gauge the number of interested employees.

Personally, I’m glad to see these new added step increases, merit increases and added flex benefits. My question is why did it take us two years to get here? Our skilled negotiator knew the day we went on strike what LIUNA was going to ask for…and got! Why didn’t she ask for the same?

Looking Towards the Future…

What a Friend We Have in SEIU…

Volume 2 / Issue 4


Mission Statement

To provide quality service to the REAP members with integrity and respect, understanding the member is the priority.

Over this past weekend, many of you may have received an email from SEIU informing you of their most current victory. Finally…after several years of diligent work, they have been able to resolve “some” compaction issues, and it’s left me not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

According to Wendy Thomas, SEIU has been working to resolve these compaction issues since July of 2013. Our MOU was approved in March of 2012. Why has it taken a year and four months for SEIU to do anything? Why has SEIU only focused on the Supervisory Unit? Don’t they represent ALL members who make up SEIU 721? Section 9 of this signed agreement between SEIU and HR indicates both parties are to meet annually to review any SEIU classification impacted by the LIUNA salary increases. Why was it changed to just Supervisors AFTER the MOU was ratified?

The wording of this flyer can be quite deceptive if not read thoroughly. Be sure you understand the bold print. It does not entitle those that have been approved to a 5.5% pay increase, only that you may receive increases up to 5.5%. After I opened one of the links, this is what I saw:

“SEIU 721 is the only union to win language in our contract to correct supervisory salary compaction issues as they arise. I’m thankful we have such a strong union advocating for us.”

Makes perfect sense to me…presently, SEIU is the EXCLUSIVE Labor Organization for our members. Therefore, only SEIU can insert language into our contract! That would be the end of what make sense to me…SEIU does not advocate for any of us…SEIU advocates for themselves. Sometimes it’s hard to see this through those rose colored glasses.

Interim REAP President, Rick Gay, a former Steward and Member of the Regional Council of SEIU is definitely no novice when it comes to the inner workings of SEIU. Since the inception of REAP, Rick has dedicated his knowledge, experience, and personal time to REAP. For the past 6 years while he was still involved with SEIU, Rick had fought tirelessly for the Para-Professional Bargaining Unit. Rick identified a compaction issue well before our contract was approved. As a member of the negotiating team, Rick fought at the table to have this corrected but by the end of the day, he was just as exhausted and frustrated as the rest of the members of the negotiating team, knowing that the lead negotiator did nothing for these members.

REAP 19510 Van Buren Blvd. F3-197 Riverside, CA 92508 951-202-8058 / 951-858-6759 [email protected]

In a recent meeting that was held on 2/21/14, Rick reported the following:

According to Wendy Thomas, Julie Butcher, Jim Lauderdale, Eloy Alvarez, Roman Martinez and Deputy General Council Najebb Khoury told Rick, “They don’t want to waste their time or resources sending a frivolous request to H.R. because of the “BAD” language of the MOU. It would be a waste of their time.”

Rick also reported there will be no further action until July of 2014 to meet and confer. So you see, SEIU is not taking care of compaction issues as they arise, they’ve known about the Para-Professional’s compaction issue for years and still, nothing is being done for these folks.

It’s no secret that REAP has provided information to our members of the Supervisory Unit via our website and emails. Those in the Supervisory unit can opt out of SEIU between April 1 and April 30 of each year of our current MOU. Consider it. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

It’s no surprise either that after almost 2 years, SEIU has finally figured it out. If they don’t do something, anything, they are going to lose a massive amount of members. Why now? What have they been waiting for?

If you’re one of the lucky ones to get the increase, that’s great news for you and your family. If you’re on the list to be reviewed, we will rooting for you. The good news…you can still opt out AND keep your increases.

Is SEIU’s recent compaction news a Coincidence? You tell me…